- Seismology and Seismic Hazards
- Hydrogeophysics and Environmental Sciences
- Near Surface Geophysics and Civil Engineering
- Petroleum and mining geophysical exploration and Geochemistry
Seismology and Seismic Hazards
Chair of the session:
Pr. Mimoun CHOURAK, Professor of Geophysics at Mohammed First University, Oujda, Morocco.
- Pr. Max WYSS : Senior researcher at the non-profit foundation International Centre for Earth Simulation, Geneva, Switzerland.
- Presentation Title: Red alerts issued minutes after two disastrous earthquakes in Morocco: M6.2 February 2004 ; M6.9 September 8, 2023.
- Pr. Jesús GALINDO ZALDIVAR : Professor of Geophysics/Geodynamics at University of Granada, Spain
- Presentation Title: Tectonique active et sismicité dans le Rif oriental et la mer d’Alboran.
- Pr. Fida MEDINA: CEO at Moroccan Association of Geosciences, Morocco
- Presentation Title: ……………………………………………………………………………….
- Pr. Mimoun CHOURAK: Professor of Geophysics at Mohammed First University, Oujda, Morocco.
- Presentation Title: The evolution of Moroccan parasismic regulations from the past to the present: lessons from the Al Haouz earthquake, 8 September 2023.
- Dr. Nacer JABOUR : Head of Division, National Institute of Geophysics, Morocco.
- Presentation Title: ……………………….
- Pr. Lahcen AITBRAHIM ; Expert sismotectonique et risques sismiques, Secrétaire général comité Maghrébin de Génie Parasismique (CMGS)
- Presentation Title : Historique et évolution du cadre sismotectonique au Maroc et problèmes soulevés par la caractérisation des faille actives lors de la phase de reconstruction du séisme du Haouz du 8/9/2023 de MW 6.8 à 7
Hydrogeophysics and Environmental Sciences
Chair of the session:
Pr. Mustapha BOUALOUL, Professor of Geophysics at Moulay Ismail University, Morocco
- Pr. Hakim GABTNI : Professor of Geophysics at Centre de Recherches et des Technologies des Eaux, Tunisia
- Presentation Title: Geophysics, Deep Groundwater, and Geological Hydrogen Energy for a Sustainable Future.
- Pr. Gad Mohamed EL-QADY : President of the National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG), Egypt
- Presentation Title: Ground water exploration at arid and semi-arid areas, case study at new valley, Egypt.
- Pr. Abdelaziz MRIDEKH : Professor of Geophysics at Ibn Tofail University, Morocco
- Presentation Title: ………………………………………………………………………………………….
Pr. Souad Haida : Professor Ibn Tofail University, Morocco
Presentation Title: ………………………………………………………………………………………….
Near Surface Geophysics and Civil Engineering
Chair of the session: Ing. Mohammed KALAI TLEMCANI, Head of Division geophysics, logging and non-destructive control division, LPEE, Morocco.
- Pr. Pedro MARTINEZ : Geophysicist, Associate Professor at Technical University of Cartagena, Spain
- Presentation Title: Seismic microzonation as a tool to analyze earthquake risk and its mitigation in municipal areas. A case study in Soto de Roma (Granada, Spain)..
- Dr Patrick Pizette : Associate Professor at research center for Materials and Processes of IMT Nord Europe (IMT Group, France) and LGCgE regional laboratory (University of Lille).
- Presentation Title : Application and potential perspectives of based-particle approaches for georesources and geomaterials
Petroleum and mining geophysical exploration and Geochemistry
Chair/ Keynote Speaker :
Pr. Driss El AZZAB : Professor of Geophysics at Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez, Morocco
Co-Chair/ Keynote Speaker:
Mrs Asmae BENARCHID: Director of Petroleum Exploration ONHYM
Keynote Speaker :
Presentation Title : « Exploration Overview, Nile Delta and Mediterranean, Egypt »