1. Seismology and Seismic Hazards
  2. Hydrogeophysics and Environmental Sciences
  3. Near Surface Geophysics and Civil Engineering
  4. Petroleum and mining geophysical exploration and Geochemistry

Seismology and Seismic Hazards

Chair of the session:

Pr. Mimoun CHOURAK, Professor of Geophysics at Mohammed First University, Oujda, Morocco.

Max Wyss
  • Pr. Max WYSS : Senior researcher at the non-profit foundation International Centre for Earth Simulation, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Presentation Title: Red alerts issued minutes after two disastrous earthquakes in Morocco: M6.2 February 2004 ; M6.9 September 8, 2023.

  • Pr. Jesús GALINDO ZALDIVAR : Professor of Geophysics/Geodynamics at University of Granada, Spain
  • Presentation Title: Tectonique active et sismicité dans le Rif oriental et la mer d’Alboran.

  • Pr. Fida MEDINA: CEO at Moroccan Association of Geosciences, Morocco
  • Presentation Title: ……………………………………………………………………………….

  • Pr. Mimoun CHOURAK: Professor of Geophysics at Mohammed First University, Oujda, Morocco.
  • Presentation Title: The evolution of Moroccan parasismic regulations from the past to the present: lessons from the Al Haouz earthquake, 8 September 2023.

  • Dr. Nacer JABOUR : Head of Division, National Institute of Geophysics, Morocco.
  • Presentation Title: ……………………….

  • Pr. Lahcen AITBRAHIM ; Expert sismotectonique et risques sismiques, Secrétaire général comité Maghrébin de Génie Parasismique (CMGS)
  • Presentation Title : Historique et évolution du cadre sismotectonique au Maroc et problèmes soulevés par la caractérisation des faille actives lors de la phase de reconstruction du séisme du Haouz du 8/9/2023 de MW 6.8 à 7

Hydrogeophysics and Environmental Sciences

Chair of the session:

Pr. Mustapha BOUALOUL, Professor of Geophysics at Moulay Ismail University, Morocco

  • Pr. Hakim GABTNI : Professor of Geophysics at Centre de Recherches et des Technologies des Eaux, Tunisia
  • Presentation Title: Geophysics, Deep Groundwater, and Geological Hydrogen Energy for a Sustainable Future.

Prof. Gad El-Qady
  • Pr. Gad Mohamed EL-QADY : President of the National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG), Egypt
  • Presentation Title: Ground water exploration at arid and semi-arid areas, case study at new valley, Egypt.

Abdelaziz Mridekh
  • Pr. Abdelaziz MRIDEKH : Professor of Geophysics at Ibn Tofail University, Morocco
  • Presentation Title: ………………………………………………………………………………………….

Pr. Souad Haida : Professor Ibn Tofail University, Morocco

Presentation Title: ………………………………………………………………………………………….

Near Surface Geophysics and Civil Engineering

Chair of the session: Ing. Mohammed KALAI TLEMCANI, Head of Division geophysics, logging and non-destructive control division, LPEE, Morocco.

  • Pr. Pedro MARTINEZ : Geophysicist, Associate Professor at Technical University of Cartagena, Spain
  • Presentation Title: Seismic microzonation as a tool to analyze earthquake risk and its mitigation in municipal areas. A case study in Soto de Roma (Granada, Spain)..

  • Dr Patrick Pizette : Associate Professor at research center for Materials and Processes of IMT Nord Europe (IMT Group, France) and LGCgE regional laboratory (University of Lille).
  • Presentation Title : Application and potential perspectives of based-particle approaches for georesources and geomaterials

Petroleum and mining geophysical exploration and Geochemistry

Chair/ Keynote Speaker :

Pr. Driss El AZZAB : Professor of Geophysics at Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez, Morocco

Co-Chair/ Keynote Speaker:

Mrs Asmae BENARCHID: Director of Petroleum Exploration ONHYM

Keynote Speaker :


Presentation Title :  « Exploration Overview, Nile Delta and Mediterranean, Egypt »